The Ex Display Dual Potting Shed/Workshop iis now on sale as we are refreshing our display models. The potting shed is a pent timber building, perfect for any garden due to the fact that you can position the door on either side of the shed, allowing for the flexibility of location in your garden.
We advise that you take into account with all Ex Display models new roofing material may be needed, for this 6ft x 6ft Dual Potting Shed there may be an additional £220 for new shedsheet.
This shed is on display at our Downham Market display sites.
Please note the pricing is for the customer to take down and remove the model from our Downham Display Site. If you wish the Ex- Display model to be taken down, delivered and re-installed please contact the office to discuss additional charges on 01366 610850.
Additional Details
- Base Size:
- 6ft x 6ft
- Roof Style:
- Pent
- Ridge Height:
- Under 2.5m
- Log Thickness:
- 15mm Cladding
- Double Glazing:
- No