The Wheatley Log Cabin is a superb multi-room log cabin which comes with 2 rooms and a hot tub enclosure. This building would look stunning in any garden due to the stylish and modern pent roof and thick strong timber logs. The Wheatley has the option of either 44mm or 68mm thick logs which allows for the building to be kept insulated as timber is a great natural insulator as it is. Along with the thick logs, if you would like further insulation in your room and floor we supply insulation kits which come complete with a vapor control membrane which prevents any possible condensation from occurring.
We recommend EPDM on this building which is a rubber roof membrane which comes complete with an adhesive to glue to fit the membrane down. We advise EPDM on pent roof buildings due to the pitch being low which does not allow for our 30 year life shingle tiles to work as effectively in comparison to apex models.